Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 26 - It's working!

Where has the time gone . . . summer is just flying by!! And there never seems to be enough hours in the day. How will I manage when I get a full time job again??

There have been ups and downs – both on the scale and in my emotions these past few weeks. It’s amazing how the two seem to be tied together! After my first week of writing down everything I ate and all exercise I did, I lost 3.2 lbs. A good start, but difficult to spend that kind of time every day. Especially since I’m supposed to be looking for employment.

We escaped to the mountains for a few days the beginning of August – North Carolina has the most gorgeous High Country area along the Blue Ridge Parkway. We hiked and traipsed over strenuous and not so strenuous trails forthree days. And my body felt it!! There was one trail so strenuous we only went about 1/3 of the way, vowing to go back one day after we’ve each dropped some pounds – say 20 or more!! It had the most spectacular waterfalls and scenery. I can’t wait!!

However, I’ve been drained since that day last Wednesday. We didn’t just do the difficult trail, we did part of an easier one and then in the afternoon discovered a hidden little gem called Elk River Falls – by this time my legs felt like jello but I still maneuvered the climb to get to the falls and back to the car! The memories are worth all the aches and pains I have.

I have some acid reflux issues and can’t take anti-inflamatories like I used too, so I’ve been trying to tolerate the pain. My knees have been hurting and my lower back stiff. Every time I try to get up from a seated position, I feel like I’m 90 and can hardly move. In my head I know the more I move the better I will feel . . . but damn, it hurts! I can understand why people become so sedentary and don’t want to move!! I have gone for a couple of walks, including a two mile one on the greenway in the heat and humidity of the afternoon. Boy, the heat wears me out too! I think I’m probably dehydrated most of the time!

And these wacky hormones . . . God bless my boyfriend for what he’s putting up with! Sleep eludes me most of the time and it doesn’t take much to feel like I’m burning up – sometimes with puddles of sweat and others just hot! I’m still in perimenopause, 7 weeks and counting since my last period and the longest I’ve ever gone without one is 10 weeks. I think and hope the end of my menses is near!!

I was very discouraged upon my return from the mountains and discovered that the scales were up almost five pounds! With all that exercise and water, I didn’t expect the betrayal. I was tempted to say ‘eff it, but remembered how much I really want to finish the Lower Pond Creek Trail at Lake Coffey – the strenuous one that indicates, “somewhat rugged and a little difficult in places, most healthy individuals in moderate shape will find it very negotiable.” I really focused this week on low carbs and lots of fruits and vegetables to go with a moderate amount of protein. I think it’s paying off . . . the scales were the lowest they’ve been in a long time this morning! I’m down a total of 6.6 lbs., taking off the increase of last week and then some. I’m very proud of myself!!

Now, if I can just continue to stick with it. It’s not easy to afford the healthier foods on unemployment. I’d love to eat fish more often, at least a couple times a week, and I’m trying new kinds of grains and vegetables I’m not familiar with. Makes it fun to research recipes and make delectable delights for the palate and my Sweetie. I’ve found a quinoa and ground turkey stuffed into multi-colored peppers recipe that I’m looking forward to trying. Earlier this week I made some interesting salads – one with peaches and avocado with a roasted red pepper vanilla bean dressing and the other a fennel and apple with gorgonzola cheese. Both were very good!! Also made some baba ganoush to snack on with multi-grain twists. I know I can do this . . . I have plans to return back to belly dancing the middle of September. I should start practicing my shimmies and hip hits! My knees and hips will love me . . .